Well i guess it's gonna be all up to me to update our blog... what would mom and dad do with out me?... too bad nothing really can be updated, I (kandice) went to preference last week with a kid named James Davis, it was alot of fun, and i will put up some pictures once we get them. So this is how i asked him, i wrapped up a whole bunch of different objects and priced them out,( soccer ball 14$, a penny 1cent, the world(it was a stress ball) aprox. a trillion zillion $, ect.) then in the end i wrapped up a piece of paper in a yellow easter egg, like really big and then wrote "going with kandice to preference....priceless" ha...it was great! but his answer totally over did mine. He actually droped off a real rooster! and i was over at my friends and my mom called me home, and i walk in and there is a rooster in my living room! and it started clucking at me and it made me laugh even harder! so we just stood there not knowing what to do with a rooster, and my dad came home (having a childhood trama, and now deathly afraid of roosters) he wanted to get rid of it asap. Well the not said, "I feel like the guy who had the rooster who laid golder eggs, i would love to go with you. haha and i didn't know if he wanted me to keep it... or...so my dad told me to write a note back saying " i'm so excited that you said yes, you just shouldn't have used such FOWL language" HA, good one eh?
The dance was alot of fun, and i'll put up some pic's once we get them.
The snow is a killer right now, I actually did road like 2-3 weeks ago, and didn't pass, but it really wasn't my fault!...even though we kinda almost died....but the teacher was the one to tell me to go when there was a white car (that i swear wanted me to fail, or just kill some helpless students) that zoomed up as we turned and almost back ended us. So this comming week, hopefully, i have to do it again. But thats ok because i can't even get my license until march anyways.
The snow is a killer right now, I actually did road like 2-3 weeks ago, and didn't pass, but it really wasn't my fault!...even though we kinda almost died....but the teacher was the one to tell me to go when there was a white car (that i swear wanted me to fail, or just kill some helpless students) that zoomed up as we turned and almost back ended us. So this comming week, hopefully, i have to do it again. But thats ok because i can't even get my license until march anyways.